A89: Doors, and Address Error and more
A89: Doors, and Address Error and more
First let me say that the Anti-Crash is probably one of the best things l've
seen for any calculator, congrats on making it work.
l've found out how to make it do the Address Error while in the explorer, it
might not be the same as some otherway but at least this is one way that it
will do that.
lf you are in a text editor session in ti-os, then you do the shift-on combo,
you will be doing fine until you move the cursor down to the folder that holds
the current text file. it's not just the main folder that would do this, it's
all of them because l tried moving the text file to different folders and if
this file was open before you did the shift-on, then it would cause and error
while in the explorer when you moved the cursor to the folder it was in.
Also, one time l tried the shift-on combo and the shift indicator in the
status line got stuck, and none of the modifier keys would even appear like
they usually do in a crash.
Also, one time after doors and everything were installed l tried to _recall_
the value of (pi symbol) and the screen had black and greyscale pixels all
over the place, and had to take all batteries out.
Also, pressing HOME while in the explorer scared the crap out of me until l
realized it was supposed to do that!
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