Re: A89: This damn sdk thing.


Re: A89: This damn sdk thing.

>who did this alleged test?  Perhaps there was just something wrong with the
>second program.

Scott Noveck

Here is the original message:

>"I was donkey and downloaded 2.01. Yes, there are good news, 700K of archive
>memory, reset resistant archive memory, expandable folders ...
>"I did test.I made program long 8189 bytes and 8197 bytes. The first one
>worked, the second one showed
>Error: Argument must be expression
>There are many good assembly program longer than 8 K
>Tezxas, Zelda 89, and after appearance of GCC will be even more. No one will
>work on 2.01. Not mention dirty shells like Doorsos and all programs depends
>on them! ROM Dumper from VTI gives address error.
>"I knew rumour that new SDK for TI89 will limit free version of it to
>generate up to 8K, and many though: "No problem. I will use just a manuals
>from free version and continue to use Plusshell or GCC."
>But, Texas instruments sabotaged such idea.
>"I hope that it is still possible to put program in file(s) other than
>assembly program, allocate memory, copy program to it and jump to allocated
>block, but I am not yet sure. "
>To make a long story short and sum that whole thing up, TI has limited
>assembly programs to 8k in order to make us PAY for FLASH APPS - we KNOW
>this is intentional =)
>I'm looking at a workaround right now (some modified plusshell files), but
>this is the reason that the doorsos kernel won't install.  If we can find
>some addresses, a .89u patcher should work.  Or, if you want to go the evil
>way, we can whip up that serial number modifier for HWr1 calcs and threaten
>TI.  Either way, that's really a snobby thing to do. . .
>    -Scott

