Re: A89: compiler
Re: A89: compiler
what would then the point of having the compiler on calc be?
It makes the on-calc compiler even more pointless...
as long as you can't have it as a flash-applet (or what they are called) so it
isn't erased when your calc crashes, it is quite useless to programm with..
cause it WILL crash. not even the best of programmers write totally bugfree code
Daniel wrote:
> >Has anyone tried out Compiler v1.0 by Jean Milleron? It is the asm
> >compiler that runs on your calc. If so what do you guys think?
> >Would there be any drawbacks to using his compiler, besides having
> >to hunt for letters?
> I dont think even that would be a drawback. You can always write the
> text file in Graph-Link