A89: putsprite routine


A89: putsprite routine

lets say for example i originally place a sprite at (33,3) using 
PUT_SPRITE...and then everytime from this moment on that 'left' is pressed, 
the x coordinate is decreased by 12...so for instance after 'left' is pressed 
the first time, the new coordinate becomes (21,3) then the second: (9,3) and 
3rd (-3,3) and so on...now i know putsprite deals w/ the address error 
situation w/ clipping...but why then does after around the 8th or 9th time 
left is pressed when the sprite is in the 'high negatives' does it then 
re-appear on the other side of the screen...???  and why does it only do this 
ONCE...if i try it again the sprite will_not appear at the other side...only 
drift further and further into happily ever after negative land...

this isn't really a big concern of mine...i am just a bit curious...
