Re: A89: Assembly Studio 89
Re: A89: Assembly Studio 89
>I really have no clue. First I thought Rusty or someone else at the ACZ
>working on AS89, but recently I've heard that Scott Novacek (or something)
>from the CCIA (the one working on Pokemon89) is now working on it and that
>it should be released soon... Mind you- this is only what I've heard... I
>have no idea what's really going on. I asked David about the ACZ part, and
>he didn't know... I plan to ask Rusty if he ever gets on...
I've been working on an AS89-ish program, not sure if I'll use that name or
not. It's nothing near what Rusty and Jeremy Goestch at ACZ could do, but
it's very convenient. I had planned to finish it and pokemon a week ago,
but had a some problems with a Visual Basic bug and had my little brother's
Bar-Mitzvah this week, and just now got it to work after some emails to
Microsoft tech support.
It's just a little program I slapped together in Visual Basic 5 -- think of
it as Notepad/Wordpad with a Multiple-Document Interface (ie, you can have
several files open and actively edit them both at once, like having 2 or 3
ASM files open in AS86). There's a little "Assemble" option in the File
menu, and when you press it a DOS box running A68k pops up and assembles the
file automatically. It saves me the trouble of having 3 or 4 Wordpad
windows and a DOS prompt all open at once.
I've been working on it all this morning, and there's a beta floating around
with some other CCIA members. I'll post a little notification on the list
here whenever I release anything (probably to you guys before the general
public). If anyone has any suggestions let me know (but be warned, I'm just
a novice at VB and can't do much more than a notepad application. . .)
-Scott Noveck (SMN)
Lead Programmer:
Pokemon - Zelda 89