Re: A89: Random number help, tables
Re: A89: Random number help, tables
In a message dated 4/11/99 5:41:20 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
<< I agree. That would be more efficient, specially with a lot of
sets, and cleaner code.
have all questions saved after each other, with the answers right after each
Then have a little table where you store the addresses of all the questions.
if you want question 5, pick out the fifth entry in the table, read the q
you hit 0, then read in the answers. If you want different amount of answers
each question, put in a little byte here telling how many answers to read.
If you build it up like this, it is very easy to add new questions, just put
them in, expand the table by one entry and increase the range of the
//olle >>
well basically, i have no idea what that means. =) i want it to choose a
random question and somehow ill make sure it doesn't pick the same question
twice, and there will be 4 answers for each question. but i don't know how
to use tables? how do you do that?