Re: A89: a89: Drugwars
Re: A89: a89: Drugwars
It may be a retarded game (I don't know cuz I've never played it) but this
guy can do whatever he wants. He asked if people were already making it
and for advice on features. He didn't ask for your permission. Just
forget about it and don't use it if you don't like it! I, for one, am
interested in trying it out as soon as it's released and forming my own
opinion about the game. However, if I don't like it, it's not that
important to broadcast on a mailing list.
At 07:52 PM 9/23/98 -0400, you wrote:
>I agree completely. Drugwars is a retarded game; time should not be
>wasted bringing it to the 89. ESPECIALLY not in ASM! Drugwars is
>completely text-based... what is the purpose of making it in ASM? It
>could be just as good, and programmed much faster, if it were to be
>written in BASIC.
>Dormando: Please do not refrain from from creating your high-quality
>games simply because there are those that choose to take part in idiotic
>games such as Drugwars.
>Please... try to keep the 89 a high quality, reputable calculator. Don't
>plague it with worthless text-based ASM games, otherwise others' view of
>it will be low. We don't want or need that.
>Just my $0.02.
>Joseph L. Davison
>Dormando wrote:
>> I'm just saying that it contributes to the corruption, let's all make
and play halfway intelligent games. Like nibbles. Not something that we get
>> to run around and deal drugs, shoot people, and have a raving fun
drug-dealing time, in assembler even.
>> I just might be convinced to dig up my dad's old m68k manual from the
basement and write some cool games for this calc, but just the start of this
>> drugwars game might keep me from releasing my works like the 83 did for
me, I worked hard on some games, I even did a little test to see which
>> games did better, and it turns out, KILL BARNEY#@$@# did better than my
graphical strategy game that kicked ass and was complex for it's time in
>> basic, kill barney was made in 6 hours and was text based.
>> ooOoooOoooo, an advanced, assembled DRUGWARS game, how special. If I'm
going to be beaten out hands down by something just as stupid as that, why
>> the hell should I release anything at all?
>> Olle Hedman wrote:
>> > >let's do the world a favor, and a bet to the rest of the calculator
world and have this be one of the few >calculators NOT to get this crappy,
>> > >overused game.
>> > >
>> > >-Dormando
>> >
>> > People OBVIOUSLY like this game.. (even though I myself never have
>> > played it)
>> > why cant you allow them to make it and play it?
>> > It's not like anyone is trying to force YOU in to playing it!
>> >
>> > just my opinion...
>> >
>> > //Olle
Mike Newman
ICQ: 2114458