A89: Re: PlusShell v0.99 Test Release 1
A89: Re: PlusShell v0.99 Test Release 1
>PlusShell v0.99 includes TI-89 support. It isn't the final version yet,
>I have decided to release it to the public for testing purposes (as I don't
>yet have an 89 myself). Go to http://home1.gte.net/river to get the test
>release. Please respond with your success (or horror) stories. The
>following things need to be tested on the 89:
>1) Does the shell even run?
yes, the shell runs and it's very stable (so far)
>2) Does the shell's screen appear correct with no graphical flaws?
yes, no graphical flaws found yet. I did find that the "1/30" lable on the
screen stayed no matter what though
>3) Are the folders listed properly?
it seems that they are listed alphabetically
>4) Do the keys work as expected?
no sure on this one. In the shell itself to navigate up and down, you must
use the right/left keys. I'm not sure if this is the ti-89 or if they
programmed it that way
>5) Are the programs within the folders listed properly?
it seems so. no flaws
>6) Can you run a program from the shell?
>7) Does the hello world example clear the screen properly?
so far as I know ASM, it does. again, it still displays the "0/30" thing.
one thing I noticed is that if the program is run under the plusshell, the
font size of "hello world" is a lot smaller that if the program was run from
the command line. I think plusshell changes the default font size. there
should be a fix for this so that nothing wierd happens if programs are run
outside the shell
>8) Does the graytest program display the grayscale image properly? I use
>the 92+ hardware I/O techniques, so it isn't guaranteed to work.
yes! it works great. there's 4 shades : black, darkgrey, lightgrey, and
white (I might have miscounted)
>9) Is the calculator stable after exiting the shell? A good way to test
>this is to evaluate a simple math problem (1+1 will suffice), enter the mem
>screen and then escape out of the mem screen. If the calc survives, it
>should be stable.
as far as I have tested, it works completely fine
Thayne Miller
ICQ# 4637439 | mailto:4637439@pager.mirabilis.com
LDS member http://www.lds.org
"The greatest pleasure in yo-yoing is an abstract
pleasure--watching the dramatization of simple physical
laws, and realizing they will never fail if a trick is done
correctly. The geometric purity of it! The string isn't
just a string, it is a tool in the enactment of theorems.
It is a line, an idea" - Frank Conroy, Stop Time