A89: may I just remind you...


A89: may I just remind you...

I'm not saying shells aren't good or anything;  I fully support the doorsOS team and all, but may I just remind you that calculators need programs and games, not a bunch of incompatible shells each with their own set of "cool" features.  Let's just find one good, stable shell and make programs for it.  If you are a programmer, please think twice before you set out to conquer the current OS.  Even though yours might be better, it'll be a nightmare to everyone else.  Let's not have another shell war as with the 85.
Thayne Miller
ICQ# 4637439 | mailto:4637439@pager.mirabilis.com
             LDS member  http://www.lds.org
"The greatest pleasure in yo-yoing is an abstract
pleasure--watching the dramatization of simple physical
laws, and realizing they will never fail if a trick is done
correctly.  The geometric purity of it!  The string isn't
just a string, it is a tool in the enactment of theorems.
It is a line, an idea"       - Frank Conroy, Stop Time