Re: A89: Fw: StarFox -Reply
Re: A89: Fw: StarFox -Reply
I'm pretty sure Nintendo has/had (i dunno about recently) a copyright on
Tetris for all cartridge based consoles. Remember long time ago when Tengen
released that super-fly-hip-cool version of Tetris for the NES and got their
asses sued by Nintendo? They had to destroy thousands of copies of it. But I
dunno if copyright is the right word anyway. They obtained the license for it
or something. Maybe you can call up some Russian dudeskies and ask em for the
calculator license. :)
In a message dated 11/19/98 6:19:56 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:
<< Does Nintendo have the copyright on _their_ version of Tetris, or on the
Tetris game in general?'
Daniel Imfeld