Re: A89: Re: Survey for the next version of PlusShell


Re: A89: Re: Survey for the next version of PlusShell

Someone probably will hack the ROM eventually.  The problem with this is that
when TI releases a new ROM, the person will have to re-integrate their changes
in the ROM  (Besides the fact that it's illegal).  It will only save about 64
bytes of space to put the functions in the ROM instead of a library.  Also,
library upgrades would take longer because of the bigger size.

In a message dated 11/17/1998 1:40:45 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

>  With this new FlashROM stuff, would it be possible to hack to the ROM?  I 
> know
>  that TI released the ROM upgrade with the "do not decompile" lisence, but 
> who
>  knows.  There certinly is enough space to integrate things like putsprite 
> and
>  huffman into ROM, thus eliminating libraries.  Of course you _would_ need 
> the
>  hacked ROM and it would no longer be ROM independent.  Is there really a 
> reason
>  to worry about ROM version dependency though?  Everyone will surly upgrade
>  quickly and new versions will only incorperate new things, not throw 
> anything
>  out.
>      --Nate