A89: Re: Plusshell Crashes


A89: Re: Plusshell Crashes

I always get that error after running a few games of Mario92.  I couldn't say about PluShell, I
don't remember if it did or not.  Currently I use DoorsOS, and it hasn't given me an Address Error
without running Mario92 first.

Funny, I was thinking about posting something about the Mario92 address error all day at school.

-Miles Raymond

-----Original Message-----
From: BLoWh0Le@aol.com <BLoWh0Le@aol.com>
To: assembly-89@lists.ticalc.org <assembly-89@lists.ticalc.org>
Date: Wednesday, November 04, 1998 5:16 PM
Subject: A89: Plusshell Crashes

>Has anyone else gotten a lot of Address Errors while using shell.89z from the
>Plusshell package?  This has happened to me twice in the shell and once during
>a game of mario92 that I ran from the home screen.
