So when "no one flames him", that gives you the right to go ahead and flame?
Refer to my other post about how this thread got started. This didn't start
because I wrote a 10-page essay on communism, this started because
you started yelling at me and accusing me of having NOTHING USEFUL TO SAY EVER.
Then you go off on some other tangent.. speaking lies about how I am banned from
every channel on EFNet and the whole nine yards. Can you please cut the crap?
Why am I unfit to be on this list?
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2000 1:24 PM
Subject: Re: A86: READ ME NOW
> I totally agree with you aard, but it's when no one flames him that he starts
> to talk. Now I know you and you are a awesome guy, but Bryan doesn't belong
> on this list at all.
> Danny
> <<> Bryan, I really
> > am sorry about all that ticalc has done to you, and I know it was really
> > wrong. But, I am asking you please, do not express your opinions on the
> > Assembly 86 mailing list. I log into my email account and see about 15 new
> > messages, all something with "Bryan" in it.
> Well, the main problem is that there are a lot of stupid jerks
> on this list (especially certain unnamed people affiliated with
> calculator sites or calculator IRC channels or complete
> newbies who have become sex slaves to who like
> to flame Bryan following every post he makes, whether
> on-topic or not. Since just about every word on these flames
> is badly thought-out, illogical, emotional, and based on
> complete opinion or erroneous fact, it is necessary that these
> people be corrected for Bryan's own sake. Obviously, Bryan
> is best equipped to do that, and he is only able to do that
> here. If you want the flames to stop, then you have to stop
> those who start it, not Bryan who's merely defending himself.
> I don't quite know how so many people came to hate Bryan
> (exempting and ti-files staff), but I do understand
> why those who flamed him hate him now. Because just
> about all of them are extremely stupid, irrational people who
> Bryan was able to quickly embarrass in front of the list.
> Being so stupid and emotional, they decided to hate Bryan
> for their own stupidity, instead of learning their lesson and
> shutting up.
> I know you asked to have no replies, but after ignoring
> dozens of such requests and having dozens of my such
> requests ignored on this very list, I have long ago stopped
> caring. I mean no offense to you.>>