Re: A86: Re: Re: Re: freeservers web space [ot]


Re: A86: Re: Re: Re: freeservers web space [ot]

> Bryan Rabeler wrote:
> >
> > The Civil War does not prove that democracy is practiced wrong.  The Civil
> If we use the argument that communism is bad.

War is not essentially bad, depending on what the war is about.  I never said
Democracy was the *perfect* system, but its the best solution anyone has come up
with so far.  There is no such thing as a perfect system because humans are by
nature not perfect.  Communism is bad because it assumes that people are
perfect, yet they are not.  Democracy takes this into account.

> > was necessary for ending a lot of things wrong with the United States that
> > couldn't be settled any other way, not just slavery.  Most countries in
> Such as?

1.) States rights vs. Federal government
2.) Slavery
3.) Preservation of the union
there are more but I can't remember them right now...

Remember, that Lincoln didn't start the war to end slavery, he started it to
keep the southern states in the Union.  It wasn't until 1863 when Lincoln began
to free the slaves.

> > have had at least one civil war, and then after that they usually learn from
> All the more reasons democracy failed.

Communist countires have had bad leaders, so have socialists countries, so have
democracies.  Everyone is a sinner, no one is perfect.  We all fail. :)

> > so it doesn't happen again.
> Why cant we do that with communism?

Do what with communism?  Why is it that all communist states have failed?  Can
you really argue that either Russia or Cuba are better off now than they were
before their communist revolutions?

> > Communism is ALWAYS practiced wrong because the whole idea of it is that
> > act perfectly, which is contrary to human nature.  Just look at Russia and
> Perhaps the wrong humans are picked?

What are you talking about?  I'm not just talking about the leaders, I'm talking
about everyone.  In a communist country, no one has any motivation to go the
extra mile to invent a new product, or anything like that.  They just must fill
their quota of work for the week/month/year.  In a democratic country with a
capitolist economy (the 2 usually go hand in hand), money & fame are motivations
to do such things.


Follow-Ups: References: