Re: A86: Re: Re: Re: freeservers web space [ot]


Re: A86: Re: Re: Re: freeservers web space [ot]

Bryan Rabeler wrote:

> My message had nothing to do with or their communist ideas...  they
> suck.
> Bryan

Not to be nitt-picky (of course it is, but who the fuck cares, im entitled to my
$9.95 plus shipping and handling aren't I?) but the definition of communism is a
government for the people, by the people...which would make more of a
capitalist state. I suggest you go back and read your 7th grade world history
book...maybe the section on socialism and etc. I believe the proper term for would be an oligarchy, a government of the elite, for themselves. that Walmart Rollback pricing going on...that paragraph was only worth
about $7.48 :o)

Definatly had too much coffee today...

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