Re: A86: detokenizer
Re: A86: detokenizer
Compiled assembly progs start with $8e,$28
Untokenized edit-locked progs start with $00,$00
Tokenized edit-locked progs start with $8e,29
Untokenized non-edit-locked progs start with $00
Tokenized non-edit-locked progs seem to start with anything except $00 for
the first byte, though I haven't quite figured out a pattern.
When you use the code I posted on an edit-locked prog, it inserts 5
superscript 3's at the beginning of the program but otherwise appears fine.
Perhaps once in the "editor" state, we could just remove one of the nulls for
untokenized. For tokenized, not sure...
In a message dated 1/9/00 3:14:08 AM Eastern Standard Time,
> it'll do that if you try to decompile a program that hasn't been
> compiled, and probably for edit-locked progs, too.
> try doing this in there:
> call _setupEditEqu
> call _bufPeek ;check first byte
> or a
> jp z,_closeEditEqu ;already decompiled if 0
> call _detok
> <etc.>
> i forget what edit-locked programs start with. if it's 0, that'll fix
> that too. otherwise you should probly check for that value as well.
Jonah Cohen