Re: A86: detokenizer
Re: A86: detokenizer
it'll do that if you try to decompile a program that hasn't been
compiled, and probably for edit-locked progs, too.
try doing this in there:
call _setupEditEqu
call _bufPeek ;check first byte
or a
jp z,_closeEditEqu ;already decompiled if 0
call _detok
i forget what edit-locked programs start with. if it's 0, that'll fix
that too. otherwise you should probly check for that value as well.
On Sat, 8 Jan 2000 23:08:04 -0800 "Bryan Kam" <> writes:
>I don't know if this has any relevance, but I tried using this code
>with a
>large BASIC game (around 10k when tokenized) and it gave an Error 15
>I only changed the last line (.db 2,"AA") to .db 8,"DopeWars". Do you
>why it wouldn't work? I did not test it with a smaller BASIC
>Bryan Kam
>-----Original Message-----
>[] On Behalf Of
>Sent: Saturday, January 08, 2000 8:19 PM
>Subject: A86: detokenizer
>Ok I actually got this detokenizer working! This is mainly for Josh
>but I
>thought I'd send it to the whole list :P
>#include ""
>.org _asm_exec_ram
> ld hl,name-1
> rst 20h
> rst 10h
> ret c
> call _setupEditequ ;set up editor
> call _detok ;this _does_ detokenize the prog, but it
>leaves out
>the leading signature byte so it appears corrupt if left this way
> call _bufToTop ;move the buffer to top
> xor a
> call _bufInsert ;and insert a null char, which signifies
> jp _closeEditequ ;close editor
> .db 2,"AA"
>Jonah Cohen
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