Re: A86: parsing? home screen entries
Re: A86: parsing? home screen entries
there's no call to create a temp prog var, but equ should work
this will copy an entry to a temp var: (it's kinda short...)
ld a,entry # ; this code won't work for a=0
ld (_curlastentry),a
call _GETLASTENTRY ; get ptr to history entry
ex de,hl
push hl ; save addr
ld e,(hl) ; get size of entry
inc hl
ld d,(hl)
ex de,hl ; to hl to create var
inc hl ; add space for size word
inc hl
push hl ; save size
ld hl,(_OP1+3) ; save temp var name
ld (savename),hl
call _SET_ABS_DEST_ADDR ; copy to here
pop hl ; get size back
xor a
call _SET_MM_NUM_BYTES ; number of bytes to copy
pop hl ; get source addr back
call _SET_ABS_SRC_ADDR ; copy from here
call _mm_ldir ; copy
then use _detok (see below) to detokenize it. you may need to reload the
temp var name to op1:
ld hl,$2403 ; 3,"$"
ld (_OP1+1),hl
ld hl,(savename)
ld (_OP1+3),hl
now you can either modify the equ var in place, or copy it out, change
it, and copy it back
i don't remember the exact details of using _COMPILE, but i think it's
fairly simple
when you want to copy the entry back, you can use _GETLASTENTRY again to
find where to put it but you have to move all the entries after it,
possibly decrementing _numlastentries, to adjust for any size difference
also, i think the os will delete temp vars for you when you return from
your program, but it might be a good idea to delete each one when you're
done to make sure you don't run out of space
_detok equ 51D9h
_COMPILE equ 51E5h
_GETLASTENTRY - get pointer to homescreen history entry
(_curlastentry) = entry number; 0 to (_numlastentries)
bde -> entry size word
a = 0
hl destroyed
(_curlastentry) is incremented or reset
this will fail if (_curlastentry) > (_numlastenties), but not if they are
entry number 0 is the '#' variable
each history entry is
word length of entry (excl. this word)
ascii string tokenized entry
you probly shouldn't modify entry 0, as it's the one currently being
executed and you might cause the os to lose track of what it's doing.
(unless you fix all the pointers, but you don't want to do that)
_detok - decompile basic program
this doesn't complete the process, and you need to open & close the prog
editor. here's how to do all of that:
;; load varname to op1 first
call _setupEditEqu ; open prog in editor
call _detok ; detokenize
call _bufToTop ; go to the top
xor a ; insert $00 at the top
call _bufInsert ; to mark it as uncompiled
call _closeEditEqu ; close prog editor
_COMPILE - compile basic program or equation
var name in op1
pointer to var size word in ahl
program name in op1, op3
all registers modified
sets up and closes equation editor vars
On Sun, 27 Feb 2000 09:41:58 EST writes:
> Thanks very much for your help so far. I still have a few questions,
> hopefully somebody will be able to answer them.
> >>"the best way to deal with the entries is to leave them in
> tokenized form
> >>and simply modify that. if you can't do that, you'll have to copy
> them
> >>into a temporary variable and use _detok."
> Since I don't want to leave them in tokenized form I was wondering
> if someone
> could give me a short code example of how to copy a previous entry
> to a temp
> variable. (how to I find the previous entry in ram, etc...) I was
> also
> wondering how the _detok ROM call works. (what registers it needs
> past,
> etc...) And lastly I was wondering what the ROM call was to
> recomplie/tokenize the modified string.
> Thank everybody for all their help. (especially
> :)
> Andy
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