Re: A86: parsing? home screen entries
Re: A86: parsing? home screen entries
Thanks very much for your help so far. I still have a few questions,
hopefully somebody will be able to answer them.
>>"the best way to deal with the entries is to leave them in tokenized form
>>and simply modify that. if you can't do that, you'll have to copy them
>>into a temporary variable and use _detok."
Since I don't want to leave them in tokenized form I was wondering if someone
could give me a short code example of how to copy a previous entry to a temp
variable. (how to I find the previous entry in ram, etc...) I was also
wondering how the _detok ROM call works. (what registers it needs past,
etc...) And lastly I was wondering what the ROM call was to
recomplie/tokenize the modified string.
Thank everybody for all their help. (especially :)