Re: A86: _vputs


Re: A86: _vputs

Let me make sure I have this straight..

_penCol and _penRow are both controled by a byte each in memory...

They are right next to eachother so by using ld (_penCol), bc you are
saying load the byte at (_penCol) with b and then load the next byte
(which happens to be _penRow) with c...

I think that's it..

Thanks for being so patient with me...


On Sun, 28 Mar 1999 19:35:28 EST writes:
>a two byte load such as "ld (_penCol),bc" stores both the column and 
>row at
>once.  _penCol is one byte, and _penRow is the next byte
>so the equivalent would be this:
>	ld a,1
>	ld (_penCol),a
>	ld (_penRow),a
>	ld hl,test
>	call _vputs
>this write one byte to each coordinate.  however, when writing to 
>both, it is
>much more efficient to do a 16 bit load.  just remember which one 
>comes first.
>In a message dated 3/28/99 7:31:20 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
>> 	ld hl,titlestring	; load the title string
>>  	ld bc,$0101
>>  	ld (_penCol),bc	; x=20, y=40
>>  ;	ld (_penRow),bc
>>  The _penRow has been commented out as I tried that and couldn't get 
>it to
>>  work...

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