Re: A86: _vputs
Re: A86: _vputs
a two byte load such as "ld (_penCol),bc" stores both the column and row at
once. _penCol is one byte, and _penRow is the next byte
so the equivalent would be this:
ld a,1
ld (_penCol),a
ld (_penRow),a
ld hl,test
call _vputs
this write one byte to each coordinate. however, when writing to both, it is
much more efficient to do a 16 bit load. just remember which one comes first.
In a message dated 3/28/99 7:31:20 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> ld hl,titlestring ; load the title string
> ld bc,$0101
> ld (_penCol),bc ; x=20, y=40
> ; ld (_penRow),bc
> The _penRow has been commented out as I tried that and couldn't get it to
> work...