Re: A86: ti-85 emulation


Re: A86: ti-85 emulation

>TASM?  I've only used that once.  Assembly Studio 86 is the way to go, 

Yes, but you can't predefine anything, so the #ifdef and #ifndef command
macros are useless.

>It will also support the 85, or even 82 or 83 if you write an output 
>for it (and since he included the source to the .86p plugin, it would 
>30 secs to compile one). 

Really? I didn't realize that. That would be VERY nice. Would make all
calculator programming much easier.

 Though I've never tried, Assembly Studio 86 
>support ANY processor that TASM does, because it uses the TASM .tab 
>So theoretically you could compile 6502 code with Assembly Studio 

Okay, but why? The only other useful instruction set for it to support
would be the M68k. Whose gonna compile NES roms with a calculator
assembler, anyway (I think that is what it is)

>If you are making different versions, I would suggest using different 
>unless you want your code to look like the Vertigo source...  :)

Hey, it looks cool!

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