A86: Need 86 romcall for the 83


A86: Need 86 romcall for the 83

Is there any one here that programs for the 83 and the 86, or just someone 
who might know of the 83 equivalent of the 86 romcall "_CXCURAPP"? Ive heard 
that romcall on the 86 will tell if the calc is currently on the homescreen 
or not.  I need to know that for an Interrupt im writing on the 83. 
Unfortuanetly I know that romcalls cant be made in Interrupts without 
manually switching the rompages. I dont think that is as easy, or as widely 
known on the 83, as compared to the 86.  If that will not be possible for me, 
does anybody know of certain system flags that notify if the calc is 
currently in an ASM program, a Basic program, or the Basic Editor?  I want to 
check those flags and have my interrupt not run in those states. I know that 
the flag offsets of the IY register on the 86 are pretty similar to the 83, 
so maybe someone on the 86 list can help me out there. Thanks to anybody who 
responds... =)
