Re: A86: numbers
Re: A86: numbers
i don't know of any for sure, but i'll look. in the meantime, here's a
routine to do that (with example test program)
.org $d748
ld hl,str
ld b,10
ld de,$c089
call atof
call $515b
str: .db "1.2345",$1b,"678" ; $1b=E
;convert string (hl) length b to fp (de)
; by Joshua Seagoe
atof: push de
push hl
call $41b7 ;0->(de)
pop hl
pop de
inc de
ld (atofexp),de ;->exponent
inc de ;skip exponent for now
inc de
ld c,0 ;c=number of digits parsed
ld a,(hl) ;load a char
inc hl
cp '0' ;make sure it's a number
jr c,atofnan
cp '9'+1
ret nc ;nothing >9 is used
and $0f ;get the number
bit 0,c ;shift to upper bits
call z,$438b ;if it should be there
ex de,hl
add a,(hl) ;add to what's there
ex de,hl
ld (de),a ;store it
bit 0,c ;go to next byte
jr z,atofnoskip
inc de ;if we should
inc c ;register another digit
djnz atofloop ;get the rest
jr atofdoexp ;done!
atofnan: ;it's not a number
cp '.' ;is it a dp?
jr z,atofdp
cp $1b ;is it the exp symbol?
jr z,atofex
jr atofdoexp ;give up
atofdp: ;decimal point!
call atofdoexp
djnz atofloop ;get the rest
push de ;save dest
push hl ;save source
push bc ;save length
ld b,0 ;bc=digit count
ld de,$fbff ;hl=$fbff
ex de,hl
add hl,bc
ex de,hl
ld hl,(atofexp) ;find exponent
ld a,h
cp l
jr z,atofalready
ld (hl),e ;write exponent
inc hl
ld (hl),d
ld hl,0
ld (atofexp),hl
pop bc
pop hl
pop de
atofex: ;exponent
ld de,0 ;now contains exponent
dec b ;count off exp char
ld a,(hl)
inc hl
cp '0' ;only numbers in exponent
ret c
cp '9'+1
ret nc
and $0f ;get actual number
push hl
ld l,e ;de=de*10+a
ld h,d
add hl,hl ;*2
add hl,hl ;*4
add hl,de ;*5
add hl,hl ;*10
ld e,a
ld d,0
add hl,de ;+a
pop de ;restore de
ex de,hl ;they go the other way...
djnz atofeloop
ld hl,(atofexp) ;(hl)->old exp
call $5928 ;ld hl,(hl)
add hl,de ;hl=new exp
ld de,(atofexp)
ex de,hl
ld (hl),e ;store new exp
inc hl
ld (hl),d
dec hl ;restore hl->answer
dec hl
atofexp: .dw 0
On Wed, 16 Jun 1999 23:45:03 -0400 Aaron Curtis <>
>Does anyone know of a rom call that will translate ascii numbers
>.db "123") into actual numbers? Or better yet floating point? I ask
>because that's how numbers are stored in basic programs, and what you
>type on the screen has to go somewhere...
>-Aaron Curtis
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