A86: More GrayScale Sprite Problem


A86: More GrayScale Sprite Problem

 I'm still trying to draw a grayscale sprite on the screen for my RPG, but
can't.  I used the built in grayscale sprite editor built into Asm Studio 86
(new ver).  I call this routine GraySprite & it doesn't work & neither does
GraySpriteClip.  Here's my sprite;
 .db 8, 8
 .db %01111100
 .db %10000010
 .db %10000010
 .db %01101101
 .db %10000011
 .db %00000001
 .db %00111001
 .db %00000001
 .db %01111100
 .db %10101010
 .db %10000010
 .db %01111100
 .db %11111110
 .db %00111000
 .db %00111000
 .db %01101100
 .db %01111100
 .db %10101010
 .db %10000010
 .db %01111101
 .db %11111111
 .db %00111001
 .db %00111001
 .db %01101101

And here's your routine I use.  What do I have to do?

; Sprite routines by David Phillips <david@acz.org>    http://www.acz.org/
; All sprites are 8x8 masked sprites
;  PutSprite      -- black/white         (sprite, mask)
;  PutSpriteClip  -- black/white with clipping   (sprite, mask)
;  GraySprite     -- grayscale          (dark, light, mask)
;  GraySpriteClip -- grayscale with clipping   (dark, light, mask)
; in:   hl = pointer to sprite, bc = x,y location
; out:  af, bc, de, hl, ix = trash
; size: 250 bytes
