A86: Re: 3d programming theory help
A86: Re: 3d programming theory help
If you're looking for info on true 3D graphics in Z80 asm, check out
scabby's tourus demo and 3d routines. They are quite fast, but slow enough
to make a true 3d game impossible on the calc.
> does anyone have any sites they know of where *any* type of 3d theory is
> discussed or written about at all? I have made a very slackass 3d grapher
> basic (only views from overhead the first octant), just to make sure my
> algorithms worked. It is not optimised at all, but i didn't take into
> account rotation when i was writing this version and i have started
> rewriting it with my new mindset.
> I was also wondering if anyone has any ideas on which of the following
> methods would be faster (and easier to write in assembly)
> To calculate each of the points by multiplying each set of coords by a
> transformation matrix to simulate rotation of the graph by also replotting
> the coordinate axes.
> or to rotate the points along their respective virtual ellipses.
> ----
> i am more troubled with the theories surrounding the 3d programming for
> I have not thought about the asm side of it yet, but if that turns out to
> a problem i'll just leave it in basic. Sorry if this is not the type of
> that should be posted here, but the list seems fairly dead lately.
> - Jarrod Overson