A86: Re: User interrupt


A86: Re: User interrupt

There's a flag you can check to see if an asm program is running:

 bit ProgramExecuting,(iy+NewDispf)


 bit 6,(iy+$17)

>I was experimenting with Matt Johnson's Interrupt
>examples and i thought that it was nifty to have
>a sprite display your initials or something in the
>upper-right corner of the screen. What i didn't want
>though was to have it appear while playing an asm
>game. This is what i came up with:
>(this is not the whole prog)
>            ld        hl,0
>            add    hl,sp
>            ld        b,10
>            ld        (instr+2),hl            ; self changing code (ld
>instr:    ld        de,($0000)
>            call     cp_n_de
>            ret      c
>            inc      hl
>            inc      hl
>            djnz    stack_search
>            ld       a,$D7
>            cp      d
>            ret     nz
>            ld       a,$48
>            cp      e
>            ret
>It's probably not perfect but it works, it searches through
>the stack to find out if any asm program was running
>when the interrupt occured.
>Has this been done before ?
>Any comments ?
>/Thomas Bladh