Re: A86: In need of beta testers
Re: A86: In need of beta testers
I D/Led your Shell from your site I found a bug. I have ROM 1.3 The problem
I have is that I made a Basic program that was simply asm(mie when I ran
it, It worked fine untill I left the shell where I I couldn't see anything I
typed in (I think I typed 2 + 8)... in fact it looked like it had crashed
except When I changed contrast I could see that number in the top right. I
still oculd not see what I typed so I hit the programs menu and it did pop up,
when I selected a basic program It did not show up on the homescreen but when
I hit enter it worked perfectly, when that program ended The homesrceen still
didn't not so my input or the answers to math problems I put in so I ran the
shell again and Imediatly exited and which time the calculator worked
perfectly in every way, I have managed to do this several times