A86: sqrt[key] and calc states
A86: sqrt[key] and calc states
ok, this question is a two parter:
1) How do I invoke an action using [sqrt]key if ALPHA [f1] is pressed?
(not simultaneously, but like a 2nd function)
2) How do I invoke the y= input screen? i know the current address is at
$C1B4, but how do i set it? (i have the calc states list, but i do not
know whether a call has to be used or not, I am assuming so)
here's what I have so far:
.org _asm_exec_ram-2
.db $8e,$28
call $479f ;pop op1
ld a,($d625) ;get saved a register (keypress)
or a
ret z ;leave if no keypress (speeds up OS)
ld b,a
bit 4,(iy+$12)
jr z,end
ld a,b
cp $C2
call z,$4A7E ;this will be a calc state later but for now, i am using
ClLCD to test it.
cp a ;must set zero flag
Thanks in advance,
Justin TerAvest (aka Base_16)
base_16 @geocities.com