Re: A86: 5MHz
Re: A86: 5MHz
Don't we already know how often the LCD refreshes? Every second
Kirk Meyer wrote:
> I didn't post this because it was a "problem" and I wasn't sleeping at
> night, I posted because it seems very likely that there is DMA, and
> furthermore, it still seems possible that it can be accessed from software
> with a combination of port $04 and some of the ports from $20-$3F.
> Also, if the DMA writes the LCD memory to a port (as many DMAs would do to
> get it to the LCD), and if we could figure out which port that is, it would
> allow direct access to the LCD (whatever that's worth). More importantly, it
> would allow us to figure out just how often the LCD refreshes, which would
> lead to better grayscale.