Re: A86: 5MHz


Re: A86: 5MHz

I found something sort of interesting about this...  if you turn off the
lcd while running the routine, it takes a good bit less time (80 vs. 90
seconds for me).

Kirk Meyer wrote:
> Well, after performing a few tests. The TI-86 does not appear to run at
> 6Mhz. With totally new batteries, the CPU was clocked at about 4.8MHz. (With
> older batteries it is more like 4MHz.) This was tested with a routine that
> took 360,000,000 t-states. This means one of two things.
> [A] TI is lying. I doubt this, since I don't think they make 5Mhz
> processors. (maybe they do?) Also I doubt why TI would lie anyway.
> [B] Something is eating up that much processor time (this is with interrupts
> disabled by the way). Try the code for yourself, it's at the bottom...

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