A86: Re: Random Numbers
A86: Re: Random Numbers
I am using this routine in my current game, and it works rather well. If
you need truely random numbers, then this won't work. But this works fine
for making random decisions where exact probability doesn't matter (like AI,
random powerups, etc.). It's advantage is it's small, fast, and doesn't
destroy the flags. Calling the rom routines will be a little smaller, but
MUCH slower.
; a fast, yet decent random number generator
; returns: a = psuedo random number
; destroyed: flags
; totals: 93 t's / 17 bytes (including ret)
push bc
ld a,r
ld b,a
ld a,($1234)
_@RandomNumberSeed =$-2
ld c,a
ld a,(bc)
ld (_@RandomNumberSeed),a
xor b
sub b
add a,c
pop bc
> How can I get random integers? Is there a command like
> BASIC's randint? I see randint in the token lists, is this the only
> way? I have looked for tutorials on tokens, 'cause I don't know
> about them, but haven't found any. Could someone help me? Thanks