A86: Re: [OT]
A86: Re: [OT]
@aol.com? I feel insulted! :) I should have clarified "without writing
your own email client". I've never seen an email client for that lets you
fake the entire header.
But I guess I shouldn't reply, since this is off-topic ;-)
> Around April 10th or so "David Phillips" (david@acz.org) typed..
> Kirk Meyer didn't post that. Until ticalc.org starts posting IP
> numbers with the messages, no one will know. Just like email...you
> can fake all the user information, but you can't fake the servers in
> the header.
> ------------------------------------------------------
> When I first saw this, I checked to see if your e-mail was @aol.com..
> but it's not, so that's a good start. But anyways, you can forge *ANY
> PART* of the header. The only sure way to know your e-mail is from
> the supposed sender is with digital signatures (a feature in Outlook
> Express, I believe). Just thought I'd educate everyone with
> misconceptions about forgery.