Re: A86: Re: Bug in TI86EMU?


Re: A86: Re: Bug in TI86EMU?

Hmm, that explains alot.  Then why the indirection?  Why not just JP HL?

What is call $33?  Is it LD HL,(HL)?  I'd appreciate any code faster than

ld e,(hl)	; 7
inc hl		; 6
ld d,(hl)	; 7
ex de,hl	; 4
		; 24 t-states, DE = HL + 1, HL = (HL)

At 12:53 AM 9/28/98 -0400, you wrote:
>No, <jp (hl)> is supossed to jump to HL.  If you want to fix it do <call $33
>/ jp (hl)>

David Phillips
ICQ: 13811951
AOL/AIM: Electrum32
