Re: A86: a question


Re: A86: a question

Yeah, sorry, I forgot to zero-terminate the strings in my example.
I just added a TI-86 page, Check it out!!!   
-----Original Message-----
From: Samuel Camp <>
To: <>
Date: Saturday, September 26, 1998 2:22 PM
Subject: Re: A86: a question

><<What I want to do is use _vputs like this:
>ld hl,string
>call _vputs
>    .db "the first string"
>    .db "the second string"
>Can I make it where after _vputs is called, it points to string2?
>Thanks,  >>
>Actually, you need zero terminated strings, because that's how _puts
>knows how to stop.  If you called _puts now, _puts would continue to
>write out what hl points to until it encountered a zero.  If you had
>zero's terminating both of your strings, then yes, hl would point to
>string2.  That's another thing that _puts does.  I hope this helps.
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