Re: A86: a question
Re: A86: a question
After _puts or _vputs is called, hl points to the character following the
null byte in the string it just displayed. But the cursor is right after
the last string printed, it does not advance to the next line (one of the
things I always wished TI-BASIC included...).
ld hl,string1 ; hl points to start of string1
call _vputs ; hl now points one byte after string1, or string2
call _vputs ; hl now points to string3
ret ; don't want to run the strings, do we?
.db "string 1",0
.db "string 2",0
.db "string 3",0
At 01:35 PM 9/26/98 -0400, you wrote:
>What I want to do is use _vputs like this:
>ld hl,string
>call _vputs
> .db "the first string"
> .db "the second string"
>Can I make it where after _vputs is called, it points to string2?
>I just added a TI-86 page, Check it out!!!
>-----Original Message-----
>From: <>
>To: <>
>Date: Saturday, September 26, 1998 12:15 PM
>Subject: Re: A86: a question
>>In a message dated 9/25/98 10:12:21 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
>>> Could you do this with zero-terminated strings? Could you display one
>>> string and then have hl point to the next string in sequence? If so,
>>> Thanks,
>>use _puts
>>for example:
>> call _homeup
>> ld hl,message
>> call _puts
>> call _newline
>> call _puts
>> ret
>> .db "message1",0
>> .db "message2",0
David Phillips
ICQ: 13811951
AOL/AIM: Electrum32