Re: A86: grphlink error


Re: A86: grphlink error

What brand and model is your computer? That would really help us solve
your problem.


On Thu, 24 Sep 1998 20:50:16 -0500 (Samuel Camp)
>>>my pc doesn't have a com port on it
>>Yes it does, where do you think the mouse plugs in?
>Actually, it might not, if it's got a PS2 mouse.  Maybe the 
>manufacturer never put serial ports on the computer.  If it doesn't 
>have physical ones built into the motherboard, then it definitely has 
>a header on the motherboard.  Just go to a computer store and buy 
>thingy that plugs into that header.  Of course, its probably a good 
>idea to look at the motherboard manual before you go and buy anything. 
> No offence, but this
>must be a bootleg computer if it doesn't have a serial port.
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