Re: A86: grphlink error


Re: A86: grphlink error

A parallel port has holes and a serial port has pins - maybe you plugged
your graphlink into an inactive serial port.  With my graphlink I had to
tell my IO card to activate my 25-pin serial port.   Maybe you need to
change a jumper on your IO card or motherboard.  Look in the manual to find
out which jumper to change.

Justin Ingersoll

>If you have a mouse or modem I would consider disabling it will you
>transfer manually or (i don't recommend because of the time it takes up)
>go to sys.ini file.  If none of this work than it's probably plug into a
>parallel port of that the port is plugged into port 4.  If the link is
>plugged in at 4 MOST LIKELY it won't work because the main ones(1+2) are
>the only ones being detected.
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