Re: A86: grphlink error
Re: A86: grphlink error
In a message dated 9/24/98 8:16:23 PM US Mountain Standard Time, writes:
> There has to be otherwise you wouldn't be able to use your mouse or your
> modem. Which would mean you wouldn't be writing these emails or even
> Assembly. There is a COM port or 2 somewhere on/in your computer. It
> may be 9 pin and it may be 25 pin. Hell you may even have one of each.
> Trace your mouse cable back to where it plugs in. Run the graphlink
> software. Unplug your mouse and hook up the graphlink where the mouse
> was. Then wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am you're ready to transfer all sorts
> of math class time passing games to your calc. Thats what I did. Then
> we got another computer so I use my old one for nothing but Assembly
> progging with the ocassional (emphasis on occasional) PASCAL work.
I remember I completely ruined an old 386 that had it's mouse on a COM
port simply by rubbing the connections on the 6 pin to 9 pin connector
together. At first, it would actually type characters (this is the mouse cord
I am shorting). Then it rebooted. When it came back up, it was fried.
About a week later, I repeated the experiment and ruined another.
I stopped after that as the pile of broken computers in the corner was
growing noticably. Not like I (or anyone else) cared.