Re: A86: grphlink error


Re: A86: grphlink error

> My mouse is a special adapted circlular type thing, there is no adapter that
>  will make the link fit.  Its not possible.  My modem?  how the heck do you
>  come up with it being a com port?  I obviosly cant plug anything into it 
> from
>  the outside, so I opened it up, and still didn't find anything where I even
>  might have a chance at pluging it in.  There is no where to hook up my

Your internal modem will be assigned a COM port.  I believe external
ones can be serial.  My modem came on COM2 but I moved it to COM4
simply because I have no COM4 (this enabled me to use both of my
COM ports and my modem).  My mouse is on the PS/2 port so it has
no conflicts.  I really had to tweak the system settings to get it on
COM4 though.  In the process, I somehow managed to create a COM5
with an IRQ of 10.