Re: A86: GraphLink Software
Re: A86: GraphLink Software
Wrong, COM1 and COM3 are by default on IRQ 4, and COM2 and COM4 are by default
on IRQ3
Jason Doering wrote:
> First, what COM is the port configured as in the BIOS? Second, is anything
> connected to the other odd/even number? If so, there is your problem.
> The reason: COM1 & COM3 are set up as (I think) IRQ 3, and COM2 & COM4 are
> set as (I think again) IRQ 2. If two devices are calling the same IRQ, they
> conflict, and whichever device is active first after your machine is turned
> on gets the IRQ.
> ie in my case, a joystick and the GL are on 1 & 3 respectively. The
> joystick drivers are loaded on boot if it is connected, therefore the GL
> doesn't work if the joystick is connected
> At 05:54 PM 9/15/98 -0700, you wrote:
> >
> >Okay well first let me say sorry for the of topic message. However, it does
> >have some relivance to people who use the software a lot. I was wondering
> >if after using the graphlink software if sometimes it will not send
> >programs. It is very odd the only way that i can correct this problem is by
> >restarting the computer, quiting the program just won't do it. I just
> >wanted to know if anyone else has had this problem or if it is just me.
> >Thanks.
> >Dave
> >******************************
> >Basic Programming Center
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> Jason Doering
> ICQ # 11347435
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