A86: ld HL call
A86: ld HL call
I saw in an example prog the folowing code:
call _clrLCD ; clear the screen
ld hl, $0000 ; stores $00 in h, $00 in l
ld (_curRow),hl ; stores 0 in _curRow, 0 in _curCol
ld hl, Hello ; hl points to string Hello
call _puts ; print the string
ld a, '!' ; load ! character in A
call _putc ; print '!'
call _newline ; go to next line
ret ; return from program
The seconline of that reads:
ld hl, $0000
is that making sure that 'hl' has nothing in it so that the next command:
ld hl, Hello
can make hl be whatever 'hello' is?
also, what does this mean:?
call _putc
is that putCHARACTER?
and putS is putSTRING?
but how does 'putc' know to read the character in 'A'?
just a few questions,