Re: A86: String Variables & Colission Routines
Re: A86: String Variables & Colission Routines
For reading in strings, check the source code to Sqrxz. That's the best
way to learn--think of a game or program that does it, and read the source
For checking sprites, that's pretty simple. Take the distance between the
X and the Y coords of the same corners of both sprites. If they are both
less than 8 (or the size of your sprite), then you have a collision. If
not, then you don't.
At 05:33 PM 8/12/98 -0500, you wrote:
>How might I go about reading string variables in asm? I am working on a
>level structure for my MegaMan game, and have no clue how to open the
>string, and start reading what is in it.
>Also, any ideas on how to check if a non-aligned 8x8 sprite is touching
>an 8x8 aligned sprite?
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David Phillips
ICQ: 13811951
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