Re: A86: getkey program
Re: A86: getkey program
I am pretty sure,
the best thing would be for sure to get the source PRG.
It is very *VERY* instructional !!!!
It can be found on every good ti-86 web page.
I consider myself a rather good Assembler coder (c-64,68000-amiga,z-80 family
But I have learned *A LOT* ->system wise from the SPrited asm src.
You'll learn about
1) getting arguments for procedure (like input'ing file names in the middle
of a program).
2) getting keypresses (with or without saving battery nrg).
3)getting/saving/updating files (or here .... Strings).
The code is rather elegant and well documented....
(compare to Vertigo)....
*VERTIGO* is an EXCELLENT (and hard game ... as the doc mentions .. where
the hell is my hammer ?!?!?!)
But it is not friendly toward new comers.