Re: A86: getkey program


Re: A86: getkey program

Try this (not tested):

 call _getkey
 or a			; zero?
 jr z,loop		; wait until a key has been pressed
 ld hl,$3020		; (X, Y) location of text in HEX
 ld hl,(_penCol)
 ld h, 0		; Display3Dnum -----------------------
 ld l, a
 add a, 48		; 48 is the start of character '0' (zero)
 ld c, a		; Save 3rd digit
 add a, 48
 ld b, a		; Save 2nd digit
 call UNPACK_HL	
 add a, 48		; A =  1st digit
 call _vputmap		; Display 1st digit
 ld a, b
 call _vputmap		; Display 2nd digit
 ld a, c
 call _vputmap 		; Display 3rd digit
 jr loop		; ----------------------------------

At 08:08 PM 9/3/98 EDT, you wrote:
>Does anybody have a getkey program in assembly that will give the key code
>number for the key you pressed.  For example, it would look like this in
>lbl a
>If z>0
>disp z
>goto a
>I really could use this.  I need it to display the number at the same place
>every time for the small font.

David Phillips
ICQ: 13811951
AOL/AIM: Electrum32

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