Re: A86: Re: Midi to Ti-86


Re: A86: Re: Midi to Ti-86


    How about a computer based program that'll work with a one track midi (I.E.
one instrument)? You could at least have some piano music. The only problem
would be with cords in the same track (probally have to go in and edit them
out). Simply make a program that records note duration and pitch of each note an
outputs it as an 86 string. Make a second program on the 86 that interprets the
list and plays it back (which is more that possible. It's been done on the 85.
(Tunes.asm. Complete source posted.) But this uses a basic program which
complies the string into graphical data, Making it rather slow and very
annoying.) I have some nice midi editing software (Cakewalk HomeStudio 6.0) and
could put some songs together, but I'm no programmer so the programming is up to
you guys :) (I love putting things in ( ) can you tell :) )
                                        -Michael Malluck
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