Re: A86: Re: Re: Heres Pokemon


Re: A86: Re: Re: Heres Pokemon

Nathan Haines wrote:
> It's a rather impressive TI-BASIC program, but it's not anything I'd be too
> proud of to do in ASM.  Well, maybe a little proud.  :)  But to do a Pokémon
> game in ASM would be to rewrite it, so you might as well improve upon it.

I'm reprogramming it in Basic.  The resulting size should be about 7k or
instead of 26k.  After that I'll probably add features to make it more
the actual pokemon game.  And if I'm not sick of it, might convert my
to asm.  (most of the credit would go to Super Llama because he gave me

Tercero	 --  Email:

"The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone;"
			--Psalms 118:22
"Everyone who falls on that stone will be broken to pieces,
but he on whom it falls will be crushed."
			--Luke 20:18
