Re: A86: 28F0 and parser
Re: A86: 28F0 and parser wrote:
> >> >Also, I've been doing quite a bit of disassembling in the parser
> >and
> >> >I've found these two routines on page D:
> >> >
> >> >$4C6B
> >> >$53AE
> >>
> >> i can't get them to work, what sort of string do they parse? i
> >tried
> >> creating a string with "sin 30" and i couldn't get anything except
> >after
> >> $4C6B there was an error.
> >
> >Then you've gotten farther than me. This is what I've been doing - I
> >look in
> >the VAT for #, and then I went to it and edited it (make sure to
> >change the
> >size byte). I've just tried arithmetic because i know that "1+3"
> >should
> >become "D1",0,$60,"D3",0 and "12.4-6.4" should parse to
> >"D12.4",0,$61,"D6.4",0. T make a little asm program, breakpoint
> >$D748, edit
> >#, edit $D748 to say call whatever and then breakpoint after the call.
> >something is messing up tho...
> well, not really. i just set a variable and called those. is there a
> list somewhere of the tokens? does the 53ae call work with #? i can't
> tell that it does anything with other strings. maybe it needs some
> registers set?
# and ! are strings sometimes - i never checked what var type it was...
Stephen Hicks