Re: A86: 28F0 and parser
Re: A86: 28F0 and parser
On Sat, 16 May 1998 22:02:27 -0400 Stephen Hicks <>
>Where does $28F0 get the address to ret to? I've not been able to
>follow it.
it skips one, it returns up an extra level, like it returns twice or pops
one return address before returning.
>Also, I've been doing quite a bit of disassembling in the parser and
>I've found these two routines on page D:
i can't get them to work, what sort of string do they parse? i tried
creating a string with "sin 30" and i couldn't get anything except after
$4C6B there was an error.
>I believe they both take an input of a variable in OP1 that has the
>input in it (i.e. OP1->VAT entry for #, etc...). I think the first
>takes a parsed string and evaluates it, and I think the second one
>an unparsed string and parses it. I'm not sure however. On ROM
>1.2, they correspond to $59FD on page 3 and $5DEB on page 9,
>respectively. If anyone can take a look at these and find out when it
>is called, where it is called from, what it does, etc. it'd really
>Stephen Hicks
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