Re: A86: on interrupt
Re: A86: on interrupt
Please do post the code.
Andy Johnson
"Change is inevitable...
except from vending machines"
On Mon, 30 Mar 1998 20:06:55 -0700 "Kirk Meyer" <> writes:
>actually the only time you could run a BASIC program is from one of
>(sqrt) programs such as (sqrt)key. the four _alt programs, interrupt,
>slink, on, and off, do not allow running a BASIC program, or even
>variables. i tried to: run a BASIC program with the call to $4C47 (or
>whatever it is) and that didn't work. I tried changing the entry and
>simulating enter push and that didn't work. Nothing works within.
>The only
>time you could check a flag to see if the calc has just been turned on
>is in
>an interrupt and BASIC programs can't be run then either. Then only
>that CAN be done is hotkeys... run program named X when key sequence Y
>pressed. This is infact very very doable - if you want source i'll
> Kirk
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Brian Smith <>
>To: <>
>Date: Monday, March 30, 1998 6:04 PM
>Subject: Re: A86: on interrupt
>>Why cant you make a program that will run a basic program on startup?
>>someone suggested having a basic program run when the calc was turned
>>kind of like a autoexec.bat file, and Kirk Meyer was going to make a
>>program to do this; but I emailed him about it a couple weeks ago and
>>said that you can't run a basic program on startup.
>>Andy S Johnson wrote:
>>> Do this:
>>> _USER EQU $d48f
>>> _BIT EQU 3
>>> install:
>>> res _BIT,(iy+$23) ;turn user routine off so it won't get called
>>> ;accident before we're ready
>>> ld hl,user ;copy prog to user buffer
>>> ld de,_USER+1
>>> ld bc,200
>>> ldir
>>> ld a,(_USER+1) ;set up checksum byte
>>> ld hl,_USER+($28*1)
>>> add a,(hl)
>>> ld hl,_USER+($28*2)
>>> add a,(hl)
>>> ld hl,_USER+($28*3)
>>> add a,(hl)
>>> ld hl,_USER+($28*4)
>>> add a,(hl)
>>> ld hl,_USER+($28*5)
>>> add a,(hl)
>>> ld (_USER),a
>>> set _BIT,(iy+$23) ;turn it on
>>> ret
>>> user:
>>> push af
>>> push bc
>>> push de
>>> push hl
>>> ;your program goes here
>>> pop hl
>>> pop de
>>> pop bc
>>> pop af
>>> ret
>>> ---
>>> Andy Johnson
>>> "Change is inevitable...
>>> except from vending machines"
>>> On Mon, 30 Mar 1998 18:40:29 +0200 Scalp <>
>>> >
>>> >can someone explain me how does the on interrupt work
>>> >I think I can load my prog in user memory and set some flag, but I
>>> >don't
>>> >know how...
>>> >
>>> >Thanx
>>> >Nicolas
>>> >
>>> >
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